Quantum University

Quantum University

Our Motto – Everyone should have the power to do their best work. Get trained and certified to sell, install, and use Quantum products. Quantum University is our hub for training and enablement for customers, channel partners, and service partners.

Featured Services

You can expect that we will be building out Quantum University over the next year and beyond, so stay tuned!

Free Training and More

Access videos, online courses, and various other resources to help you get the most out of your Quantum solutions.


Start Free Training

Ensure Success with Hands-On Learning from Experts

Plan for your success. Purchase additional training.


Get Started

Earn a Quantum Certification

Gain professional credibility and boost your earning power. Get certified as a sales professional or service partner.


Begin your Journey

Quick Access

  • Are you a customer who’s paid for training and is looking for a class schedule? Go to the Instructor-led Training Schedule.
  • Are you a Channel Partner looking for training and resources? Channel Partners should log on to Quantum Alliance to create an account. Once your account has been activated, you can access the content available to you.
  • Are you a Service Partner looking for training? Service Partners should log on to the Partner Academy to create an account. Once your account has been activated, you can access the training available and print completed training certificates.